And there goes the first week of the transfer, still here in San Pedro de Lloc! And also enjoying a wonderful leap day, February 29th.
Well, I did have some good pictures to send right now, including one with my old companion and one with my new companion, but as I was getting the pics on the computer, a virus got on it and destroyed everything on the memory in an instant. I had backed up all of my pictures last week, so I only lost a few, but I lost all of them that I took this week. Sorry mom.
Well this week has been amazing. After having a few difficulties with my last comp, it was amazing to see how great things are in the mission again. So I am now with Elder Gubler from Saint George and he is pretty awesome. He is just as experienced as I am and is going to finish just one transfer after me and he is probably going to be my last comp. We are really similar personality wise, which gives us both some thing that we can improve here. This week especially, we have seen many miracles in our area and it is amazing to see how much the Lord trusts in his faithful servants.
Also, we are both district leaders here and share all of the responsabilities. As district leaders we do many things. We work with normally about 6 missionaries and to close follow up to the people they are teaching and how they are working. We call our district at least 3 times a week to report their work, and we also give a class in our weekly district meetings. We also report directly to the zone leaders everything that's going on in our districe. Some of the cooler responsabilities are that we are able to do work visits with the Elders inside of our district, which means to change companions for a day to get to work with them close up, and we also get to do the baptismal interviews with the investigators that the missionaries in our district have taught. Those are some of the main responsabilities and I have learned so much to be able to help and encourage closely other missionaries here.
Well we got a lot of work to do and with my birthday coming up, I am really going to enjoy it with the members here. Until next week!
Elder Terry
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